Dave Carter

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Dave Carter is a pioneer in connecting organic and sustainable farmers with shoppers seeking healthy, wholesome food. He began his career in rural America as a journalist in small-town newspapers, but soon began working with family farmers and ranchers who were fighting to weather the economic turbulence in rural America in the 1980’s. He developed a passion for working with farmers who were pioneering the development of natural meat and organic food production. Appointed to the USDA National Organic Standards Board by Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman, Dave served as chair of that panel during the implementation of the national organic regulations. Over the past decade, he has helped lead the growth of the U.S. bison industry, has coordinated efforts to establish USDA organic regulations for pet food, and has been involved in several farmer-controlled marketing initiatives. He also has a small herd of bison that he maintains on a ranch east of Denver.

Latest Posts by Dave Carter

To get a good perspective, sometimes you need to look in from the outside.

I had an invitation this week to come to Uruguay with a business associate, Anthony Zolezzi, to meet with ranchers who raise grass-fed beef. These producers know grass-fed. Uruguay has an ideal climate, with green grass growing throughout most of

More than Pixie Dust from the Feedlots

Okay, let’s talk a little basic biology. As anyone who has ever taken an antibiotic—or administered an antibiotic to a sick child—can attest, not all of that medicine stays inside our bodies. Some of it passes through. That’s why I

Genetic Diversity: Nature’s Insurance

Outside my Colorado office the thermometer is inching above 70°, with a warm sun coaxing a few crocus plants to peek above ground. Meanwhile, CNN is carrying continuous coverage to the Stormaggedon unfolding in the northeast. As much as I

Feeding the 9 Billion

As organic food continues to make inroads into the marketplace, the conventional agricultural industry is turning up the volume on their “Feeding the World” argument. In October, roughly 60,000 rural high school students gathered in Louisville, KY for the annual

Year of Soils Probes the Roots of Sustainability

It seems like just about everything has a commemorative day, week or month. Hug Day is coming up February 13th, and the National Day of Silence and the National Day of Dialogue both share April 15th. Interesting to see how

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