Gastronomy: Not Rocket Science!
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 0 Comments | Posted 07/14/2014
When I tell people I attended a master’s program in gastronomy, they usually look at me strangely, and say something along the lines of, “What is that? Rocket science?” Why they guess this I’m not sure, but maybe because “gastronomy” ends with “tronomy”, like “astronomy,” but who knows!
Gastronomy, however, is much more simple than rocket science. It is a form of study that involves all of us, and benefits all of us.
Gastronomy is the study of food consumption (what we eat, why we eat, how and where we eat), and also stresses the importance of acknowledging cultural exchange through thought and eating practices.
Gastronomy means sitting down and enjoying meals together, rather than eating without thought or acknowledgement of the food crafted for you, or the ideas of those eating along side you.
It means inviting those from different cultures and backgrounds to join you at the table and share a wonderful meal together, and talk about life, love and hardship.
And, to me, most importantly it includes taking pleasure in the good food being offered and the interesting company around me.
I invite you to also take part in gastronomic living, and although there is no trip to the moon involved, there is plenty of fascination and discovery to take to part in at the dining table.