Week #20: Mission Monday Challenge: Trick or Treat Tips
By Oatie at Wild Oats | 1 Comment | Posted 10/27/2014
Happy Mission Monday! It is crunch time with only four days left until Halloween. Have you made up your mind about what spooky character you’ll be dressing up as this year? Regardless of all the vampires and ghosts lurking around on Halloween night, Halloween can be a scary time when you see all the sugar and sweets flooding into your home. We want to hear what are some tips or tricks that you incorporate to lighten the sugar-load or make sweet treats less scary?? Do you limit your kids to 5 pieces of candy a day or do you pass out healthy options to all the trick-or-treaters that show up at your door step. We hope you take a moment to play along on Twitter or Facebook.
Today’s challenge: Share with us your favorite spice for this time of year for a chance to win a spice prize pack.
If you’re playing along on Facebook, simply comment in our Mission Monday post (include link) before 11:59 p.m. ET tonight to be entered to win!
If you’d like to play along on Twitter, simply tweet us your answer with #wildoatsmission #sweeps by 11:59 p.m. ET today to be entered to win!
Good luck! Full Sweepstakes rules and details can be found here Twitter and Facebook.
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