Wild Oats Wonder Bars – Low Sugar, Gluten Free and Scrumptious!
By Karen Shepard | 0 Comments | Posted 09/24/2014
If you can bake cookies you can make this tasty treat.
We have family members on both ends of the age and allergy spectrum, and these cookies (or bars if you prefer) make the grade for both ends of the curve. They can be a satisfying start to the day, or a healthy “tide you over till mealtime,” snack. Suitable for anyone that does not have peanut allergies. This mixture is not as sweet as some cookie or breakfast bars, but it packs a good bit of protein and does a great job of providing a little boost without the sugar spike and drop off of some other snacks. Here is the recipe:
Preheat oven to 350
- 1 cup of Wild Oats Organic Peanut Butter
- ½ cup of organic butter
- ¾ – 1 cup of organic honey
- 1 free range or organic egg
- 1 tablespoon of pure vanilla extract
Blend the wet ingredients together with a mixer until smooth.
In a separate bowl combine:
- 1/3 cup of coconut flour
- 1 tablespoon of baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 2 cups of organic rolled oats
Blend all ingredients together to uniform consistency. Batter will be sticky.
You can either press the batter into a pan that has been greased and floured, or drop by spoonfuls onto parchment paper.
Note: Batter takes a while to set up. Cookies can take as long as 20 minutes to bake if they are large and will be crumbly when removed from sheet. – They firm up with cooling.
If you use a pan, wait till the batter is cooled completely before cutting. Divide at three inch sections to prevent breaking.