Karen Shepard

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Karen Shepard lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest. Her interest in food and alternative lifestyles began in the 60s when the evolving consciousness about the food we eat and how it effects on our heath and the world we live in, was just beginning to take root. On a long acre min-farm in Pennsylvania with her husband and kids, she raised chickens, had a goat, and pursued cooperative gardening with friends. As part of the movement toward holistic medicine she studied spiritual midwifery, and experimented with recipes for things like Zucchini Canoes and Soy Bean Burritos until her children were big enough to form organized protests. She has launched two small business start-ups, Storyshirts and Good Dog Coffee, as well as taught and worked with at-risk kids at Campfire USA. Currently she enjoys hiking, horseback riding, and sharing the benefits of her experience with her three grandkids.

Latest Posts by Karen Shepard

Peonies For Lunch

salad and edible flowers

We have a long-standing debate at our house about what is worth spending time on in the garden. While I admittedly adore a sun-ripened tomato picked right off the vine, if I have to choose, I tend to invest in

Corn – The Classic For Independence Day

Organic grilled corn on the cob

I don’t think there is another plant or vegetable that is more directly linked to American History than corn. It is on the Great Seal of the state of Iowa and is the Wisconsin state grain. The corn muffin is

Get (the) Skinny On Pine Nuts!

pine nuts

They say you never forget your first time. Its true. For me, with pine nuts it was love at first bite. It is also true that they are insanely expensive, but in this case you definitely get what you pay

Watermelon Adventure


Did you ever play that game where you are supposed to pick just three things to take with you on a deserted Island? – I know, I hate that game. It’s so hard to choose! But, I am happy to

Leafy Love Part 3

Omega 3 and Omega 6

Omega 6 Not to be forgotten – or  “What about Bluto?” So you may be wondering “Why all the fuss about Omega 3”? Sadly, like Popeye, Omega 3 is under duress. As a result of industrialization, and the kinds of

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